Phitsanulok province covers some 10,584.5 sq. km. The riverside provincial capital is 377 km. North of Bangkok. Phitsanulok is situated on the geographical and administrative line uniting the central and northern regions. Phitsanuloke, located in Central Northern Thailand is a modern city. Ideal as a stepping stone for the Northern visitors attractions including Sukothai.
Phitsanulok was the birthplace of King Naresuan the Great of Ayuthaya (reign : 1590 - 1605), and his brother Prince Ekathosarot. Phitsanulok has long been an important center for political and strategic reasons. Phitsanulok was a major center of recruitment when Ayuthaya waged war with Burma, and was the capital of Thailand for 25 years during the 1448-1488 reign of Ayuthaya’s King Boromtrailokanat.
The climate of Phitsanulok is generally hot and humid. It borders with Uttaradit in he North, Pichit in the south, Loei and Phetchabun in the East, Kamphaeng Phet and Sukhothai in the West. Covering an area of 10,815.8, the province is divided into 9 Amphoes : Muang , Bang Rakam , Nakhon Thai , Phrom Priram , Wat Bot - BangKrathum , Chat Trakan , Noen MaPrang , Wang Thong
City Attraction
Wat Phra Si Rattana Mahathat his monastery commonly called by the inhabitants as "Wat Yai" is the most important monastery of Phitsanulok, the home of the famous Phra Buddha Chinnarat. It is located at the foot of Naresuan Bridge on the city side of the river.The monastery was built in the reign of Phra Maha Thamma Racha I (Phraya Lithai) In 1357 A.D. It houses the Phra Buddha Chinnarat regarded as the most beautiful Buddha image in Thailand. It is cast in the attitude of subduing evil. Later, in 1631, King Ekatosarot graciously bestowed some of his gold regalia to be beaten into gold - plate and applied them to the image worth his own hands, creating its most beautiful Buddha image. There are many other beautiful and noteworthy items in the monastery compound. The mother - of - pearl inlaid wooden doors of Vihara are especially splendid, and were built by King Boromkot in 1756 as a dedication to phra Buddha Chinarat. Behind the Vihara, there is a large Prang 36 meters high, with a staircase leading up to the niche containing the Buddha relics. In front of the Prang, there is Phra Attharos, and on the 9 room Vihara slope. There remains only the newly-renovated Buddha image.
Wat Ratchaburana nad Wat Nang Phya Is located on the eastern bank of the Nan river, near Wat Phra Si Rattana Mahathat to the south. These two monasteries, assumed to be built when Phitsanulok City was ruled by King Boromtrailokanat, have linking compounds. Wat Nang Phya has temple or bot but it is known for the so-called "Phra Nang Phya" votive tablets special fine form of the 3-head nagas decorated on their eaves.
King Naresuan the Great Shrine The shrine is located in the compound of the Phitsanulok Phittayakom school, and depicts the seated king ceremoniously declaring Ayuthaya's independence from Burma. The shrine was constructed on the site of the Channdra Palace where King Naresuan was born in 1555.

- Scientific Name: Betta Splendens
- Other Names: Betta
- Family: Belontiidae
- Origin: Thailand, Cambodia
- Adult Size: 3 inches (7 cm)
- Social: Males cannot be kept together
- Lifespan: 3 - 4 years
- Tank Level: Top dweller
- Minimum Tank Size: 3 gallon
- Diet: Live foods preferable, will eat flakes and frozen foods
- Breeding: Egglayer - bubblenest
- Care: Easy to Intermediate
- pH: 6.8 - 7.4
- Hardenss: up to 20 dGH
- Temperature: 75-86 F (24-30 C)
Plakad grows to an overall length of approximately 7 cm (~ 3"), and has an average life span of four years. Well kept aquarium specimens have often lived well beyond six years. There are reports of captive Bettas living ten or more years in laboratory settings.
In Asian countries they have long been used in a sport similar to cockfighting, where it was necessary to have aggressive short-finned fish. Today, by selecting breeding, it is not uncommon to see B. splendens with an array of colors and tails. Both female and male Bettas are now available in many colors, with new strains being developed constantly by dedicated breeders around the world. Females never develop finnage as showy as males of the same type, and are almost always more subdued in coloration. Also, the temperaments of both sexes are varied. Though males on average are more aggressive, some females have proven more aggressive than their male counterparts.

Chattrakarn waterfall, also called Pakrong Waterfall, is situated in Amphur Chattrakarn of Phitsanulok Province. This park protects the streams which form the headwaters of the Nan River. A variety of evergreen forest types are present. Chattrakarn Waterfall, which its beautifull steps, is surrounded by cliffs. Chattrakarn is the waterfall with beautiful sandy beach suit for swimming and recreation. Some of these are inscribed by yet unexplained rock carvings.
Most of this area is high and complicated mountains. The area has been the main source of many rivers, such as, Park River and Kwaenoy River. The mountains are sandstone especially at the cliff of the waterfall because of the layering of sandstone’s stratum deposited millions of years ago. So the soil in this area is sandy soil because its source is sandstone.
The weather is comfortable, and consists of three seasons, March to May is summer that temperature is 25-29 degrees Celsius, June to October is the rainy season, and December to February is winter which is very cold at night.
Flora and Fauna
Consisting of mixed forest and lateritic soil, the area locates on low level. The plants in this area are Siamese sal, Ingyin, Dipterocarpaceae, Ironwood, Buemese ebony and Shorea, for examples. There also have thick forests along the streams, and in areas which are soaked and fertile. The main plants of the thick forests are Yang, Dipterocarpaceae, Fagacear, wild mango, Makhaa Mong, and Lagerstroemia, for examples, and the shrubberies are palm, rattan, and many kinds of bamboo. Most of wild animals migrate to, and live in neighboring Phumiang - Phutong Animals Conservation Area. The animals found are small-size animals, such as, barking deer, wild boar, jungle fowl, chevrotain, squirrel, chipmunk, and many kinds of bird.
How to Get ThereFrom Phitsanulok, take Highway 12 to Lomsak and turn at the sixty-eight kilometer marker leading to Amphoe Nakhon Thai. From here, proceed on to Amphoe Chat Trakan. Turn right one kilometer before reaching Amphoe Chat Trakan and drive straight for ten kilometers. After ten kilometers you should the National Park office. Continue driving straight for two more kilometers and you will be at your destination. The total distance of this trip is 152 kilometers. To contact the Namtok Chat Trakan National Park Office call: 0-5523-7028
A Thai Bangkaew Dog was originally born at Bangkaew Temple, Ban Bangkaew , Tambon Thanang-ngam ( or Tambon Bangkaew formerly ) Amphoe Bang-rakam, Phitsanulok Province 100 years ago. Tah Nim, a Bang Kaew villager gave a rather-big local black female dog to Luang Puh Mak Metharee , the third abbot of Bangkaew Temple. Then one day she bred a puppy with a wolf. These were the first origin of Thai Bangkaew dogs breeding their generations to these days. Thai Bangkaew dog are regarded as very precious heritage of Phitsanulok Province. The dogs are fed widely in the province, it brings pride and profit to the villagers. Nowadays, Thai Bangkaew dogs become more famous nationwide and are fed all over every part of Thailand. They are charming, beautiful, clever, honest and loyal. It can be fed as our companion, watch our house or can be trained as guardian dog. Although they are rather fierce, feeding them is very simple. They are brave though their opponents are bigger. One feeder told that his dog saved his life after being attacked by the thieves. In 1993, at the Air Force Division 46, 'Chao Keng' , Bangkaew dog of Niramon Group jumped by a parachute at the height of 12,500 feet. Thai people have got this precious thing, let keep and preserve it as our pet worldwide.
When we think about dried banana, it recognizes us to Bangkrathum amphur in Phitsanulok where have produced. They are famous for being tasty, sweet and sanitary. There are plenty for sale and easily found in all the municipal area , especially in the compund of Wat Phra Sri Rattana Mahathat (or Wat Yai).
Along the Nan River that flows through Phitsanulok. Twenty years ago before, there could be seen many of the floating houses and shops that were once characteristic of all Thai town on waterways, including Bangkok. Some of floating houses have been changed by their owners into restaurants where visitors can enjoy their meals and watch life go by on the river.

The seal of the province shows Pra Buddha Chinnarat (was made in Sukhothai period), which is considered one of the most beautiful Buddha images of the world. It is located in the Wat Mahathat (or Wat Yai) temple in the city Phitsanulok.
The provincial symbol flower is the Yellow Flamboyoyant (Peltophorum pterocarpum), provincial tree is Millingtonai hortensis.

Khun Kon Forest Park Waterfall Phitsanulok has other name so - called Song Kwae, Song Kwae means the town of two rivers. Nan River is the main and the most important river of the province. It is 127.5 kms long running across the province. Kwe Noi River, the name similar to that in Kanchanaburi in the West, also comes from the North and joins up with Nan River near the down town area. This joint river is the main artery that divides Phitsanulok into two parts, the East and the West Bank. As it is a main transportation route to the province, people gather together to stay on house boats and house rafts along both sides of the river.

Sergent- Major Dr. Thawi-Pim Buranakhet ' s Folklore Museum Located opposite the Buranathai Buddha Image foundry, Wisutkasat road, Amphoe Muang. This museum is well know for its collections of all folk-arts, crafts, basketry, pottery and ancient kitchen utensils. In addition to these, there also are instruments for agriculture occupation and household living displayed.

Wat Chulamani The Prang, a corncob-shaped tower at Wat Chulamani is well-known and studied by students of archaeology and history. The wat is the oldest historical site in Phitsanulok. Of a highly individual style and pattern, it boasts extremely ornate and elaborate plaster design of immense interest and value found nowhere else in the Kingdom.